Sharing love to show quilt – L-01 Registration open and begin on Jan. 10, 2019.
To join the Taiwan Quilt Festival 2019 – “Sharing love”, you can sign up the following activity. Please read our “Terms of Agreement” carefully before you submit your application.
※ L-01 Registration (Size 100 cm X 100 cm) : Click Register Now!
1. Please note that after you complete the registration, your quilt work and the work photo have authorized to us using for promoting this activity. Your work and photo will be shown on Facebook official fan page and website, and the work will be shown in the exhibition place as well.
2. “Taiwan Quilt Festival 2019 – Sharing love” is a non-profit activity, we have no capabilities and responsibility for your quilt works and travel cost. If you would like to join this event, you must attend the event with your quilt personally in Taichung City, Taiwan. Very thank you for your kindly support and understanding.